grizzer – Aug 10, 2012 12:00 AM

I was posed a question in an email about the possibility of Grizzer rejoining the Exhibit Pack. This was asked after my posting last week about Denali and Aidan not showing any aggressive response towards Grizzer when they were in holding. This is not doubt a scenario that I contemplated, but I have to weigh the risk assessment of wintertime dominance of these younger animals. I see Luna and Boltz in pretty active dominance interactions with each other and Luna's intense threat displays towards all the adults when food is involved. If Grizzer were to show the least amount of intimidation or tucked tail response, he could be on the bottom ranking of 4 active young wolves. Grizzer is not focusing on the pack and continues to remain very calm with staff interactions. I firmly believe it's in his best interest to not change his living situation or put him through aggressive interactions that may result him transitioning back alone again. As we look at Grizzer, we see a wolf who is clearly showing his age, and as we look at the Exhibit Pack, we see a vibrant pack of wolves that have a higher level of activity that will only increase as winter approaches.

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