grizzer – Apr 14, 2008 12:00 AM

As you probably noticed on the web cams, we are dealing with 3 feet of snow in the last week and it is still snowing as I write these logs on Friday, April 11th. Yes, April in Minnesota can be an interesting month. Initially, the wolves were excited about the snow, but the restricted movement because of the deep snow has created a bit too much concentration of wolves in the front of the exhibit. Grizzer and Malik have been having some issues and it appears that Malik is using this opportunity to take back some rank from Grizzer. Needless to say, Grizzer is a bit stunned by this behavior. Malik is now the one following Grizzer and it is making Grizzer nervous. Being a bit heavier, Grizzer sinks in the snow more than Malik who is a lean wolf by physiology. It is hard to predict when the spring melt will occur, but at this point, we have again postponed the wolves’ medical exams. We did vaccinate Grizzer and Maya for Parvovirus, but all the other wolves are old enough that a parvovirus isn’t necessary. With new pups coming in a few weeks, we always want to make sure that Parvo vaccines are given at least one month prior to new pups arrival, as there is a slight risk of live virus shed in the scat after a vaccination, especially when using a modified live vaccine. It is a small risk, but any risk is not worth taking. The entire pack will receive their annual rabies vaccinations, a complete blood panel and exam when the weather warms and the snow actually melts from the medical exam enclosure. Hopefully, that will be during the first week of May.

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