Grizzer – A Broad Muzzle

Grizzer was nicknamed “Grizz” when we picked him up at his USDA facility because we thought he looked like a grizzly cub.  When looking at this photo, we definitely still see the big blocky nose that was evident as a pup.  As summer approaches, we see less activity from the wolves.  But this summer, Grizzer seems to be going into an even more lethargic routine than usual.  Because of his age, our concerns are magnified.  We were able to take some blood samples without immobilizing (usually an indication that a wolf is not feeling well, they tend to resist the blood draw) and while his CBC’s seemed to be in normal range, there was some indication that his liver functions are on the low end of the range.  We started him on some nutritional supplements today and will be watching closely for improvements. Now more than ever, we are committed to the fundraising effort to get the lab extension completed.  With this new lab addition, Grizzer could access an indoor kennel via the pack holding area vestibule.  Check out our website for the Crowd Rise campaign that combines some current facility needs with efforts to complete this building addition or the Wolf Care Canoe Raffle with all proceeds going directly towards the building.  Contact Lori Schmidt at [email protected] for details.