Grizzer 500

Grizzer had another opportunity to conduct the Grizzer 500 race earlier this week. We have an educator who is assisting with medication delivery through the fence and it became apparent that Grizzer really likes her. We always do what we can to give Grizzer extra treats, extra staff time and stimuli that makes him excited. When we introduce new staff, they start by using the scat bucket and collecting scat. Starting as young pups, we condition the wolves to avoid interacting with staff when they have tools, including the bucket. That means staff must be consistent and give no social interaction, no talking, no eye contact and no touching the wolf. The pups pick up on this quickly and as long as staff are consistent this avoidance of staff with tools is a behavior done by the wolves throughout their whole life. If you watch this week’s Youtube video, you will see Grizzer in a full run, but when he sees the staff with he scat bucket, he immediately stops. This is a great management tool when trying to introduce new staff.