Grayson – Center of Attention

Grayson is continuing to show some confidence and he is back on track gaining some weight after a slow down from some parasite issues earlier this winter. But, when he finds a deer hide and becomes the Center of attention, his ears display that uncomfortable posture that we term “Airplane Ears”… When we see a wolf with this ear posture and a low tail and a curved back, we know they are not comfortable with the situation.  You may also note that Aidan is not in the vicinity of this interaction.  Grayson gains his confidence from Aidan; Without Aidan, Grayson is likely to be viewed as the bottom of the rank order.  But, Aidan was also the bottom of the order when he was a yearling and look what he’s become.  We are encouraged with the weight gain of Grayson.  While he continues to lag behind Axel, he is not that far behind Shadow our last arctic ambassador and pack leader that was born on May 8th, 2000 and weighed 87 pounds on April 23, 2001.  For those of you who remember Shadow, as an adult, he topped out at 95 pounds.  He may not have carried the weight of the Northwestern subspecies, Aidan and Denali, but his character and behavioral interactions carried far more stature in the Exhibit.

Here is Grayson’s progress in the last few months.

Date Weight Gain Since last weight Age
1/6/17 76.2 lbs 1.6 lbs 8 months
2/2/17 77.8 lbs 1.6 lbs 9 months
3/2/17 78.8 lbs 1.0 lbs 10 months
4/1/17 82.6 lbs 3.8 lbs 11 months