Dominance & Submission

This week’s Youtube video features several clips of Aidan in a subordinate posture with Luna. He does set limits when she gets overstimulated, but it seems that Luna’s social greetings are getting better. In the male rank order, Boltz and Denali continue to wrestle and have equal time being chased or jawsparring with Luna. The one noticeable interaction is that when Denali gets to intense, Aidan is quick to put Denali down, but doesn’t do the same for Boltz. There seems to be a strong correlation to Luna’s interactions as well. Sometimes Denali may try to jawspar with Luna, but that usually leads Aidan to intervene. This will be the only posting this week due to the International Wolf Center Symposium in Duluth, Minnesota that starts on Thursday. There are still opportunities to register, check out the details at