Boltz – Social Until He Sees a Bug

It always amazes me that these young adults can be so intent on testing and looking for every opportunity to climb social rank, but when a bee or a hoard of flies is overhead, they run for the hills.  This is the response Boltz has been having as the biting files (the ones that chew their ears have emerged).  The good news is that his ears don’t have one fly bite, the bad news is, no-one sees Boltz during viewing hours.  We are working on a solution, and Boltz seems willing to accept Cedar Oil spray which keeps the hoards at bay.  Combine this tolerance with the fact that so far, the summer seems to have at least one day a week with a high in the 60’s and we are managing just fine.  I don’t know where the summer went, but it is going fast. 

Due to Boltz’s shyness, it took a while to get his weight on the scale, but here is his weight progression since his fall pup weight.

10/18/2012 Boltz – Pup 85.5 lbs
6/5/2013 Boltz -Yearling 102.5 lbs
6/13/2014 Boltz – 2 Years 111.9 lbs