denali – Sep 7, 2012 12:00 AM

Every day we do wolf care, staff write notes in the logs to inform other staff of any issues or concerns as well as give overall status information on the individual wolves. I thought I would share some of these comments in this week's logs. <br> On 5 September, staff wrote:<br> "Denali is acting like a big pup. He has to investigate everything the pups have, tries to play tug of war and steal the pups food and is easier to manage if he just waits in holding until the pups are fed. Fortunately, Denali is very tolerant of holding and has no anxiety, he spends his time looking for meat particles and items the pups may have left behind." <br> As the curator, I cover most of the pup feeding shifts morning and night and I actually wrote the log notes for Denali. Most people thought that when the pups were in the pack that the work and hours would be reduced. Until these pups reach adult size (sometime in early December), we will be focusing on the pups food and nutritional needs. This means that Denali will get extra treats and extra staff time as we move wolves around to find the best arrangement to get food to the pups. Denali has had more time with staff in one week of post introduction pup care than he did most months last winter when Aidan was guarding staff from Denali.

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