denali – Sep 1, 2012 12:00 AM

Denali seems to have missed the lecture about adult wolves allowing pups to eat and keep possessions. It's like we're managing a 126 lb pup. We are trying to get a fecal on Denali to make sure he doesn't have a tape worm, but Denali will eat everything presented to the pups and he's not shy about it. Our first preference is to put the pups into holding and leave the adults out, but Denali has quickly discovered the buffet table we set for the pups and is first in line to come into holding. This actually works out well since Luna doesn't come in and Aidan doesn't bother the pups. The next 3 months of management are crucial to maximize the pups weights and feeding the pups twice a day takes patience and coordination in the arrangement of all pack members.

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