denali – Oct 6, 2008 12:00 AM

Written by assistant wolf curator, Donna Prichard:<br> While Aidan seems to have many similar behavior and characteristics of Shadow, this seems to be the case with Denali and Grizzer. Like Grizzer, Denali is very food oriented. The pups are still being fed approximately once a day, in addition to the weekly What’s For Dinner feeding. Denali & Aidan’s appetites are very good, though Aidan does tend to get easily distracted when staff are feeding him. Through the week, Denali and Aidan are currently eating ground beef or chicken. At one feeding, the pups consumed 22 large chicken thighs and six lbs. of ground beef! Needless to say, growing pups have voracious appetites, and it is evident when we see how fast Denali is growing and gaining weight. At this point in time, we predict that Denali will probably weigh more than Grizzer did at six months of age.

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