denali – May 4, 2009 12:00 AM

Vermilion Community College students assisted with the straw removal, pond cleaning and trenching of the den site, in an effort to help drain an excessive amount of spring snow melt. The students did an excellent job in rainy, cool conditions, while the wolves stayed in retirement eating 3 beaver, and frequently checking on the progress. Upon returning to the enclosure, the pack did a lot of scent rolling in areas where pond water was bailed from the upper pond. Denali appeared to meet most of the beaver in the retired enclosure during the 4 hours he was out of the Exhibit, which doesn't surprise the staff, it may have something to do with the 108 lb yearling body size. He has calmed considerably, which is consistent with yearlings, and the onset of spring warmer weather. We expect him to start shedding his winter pelage soon. In his video clip this week, you will see Denali doing a "Stand-Over" Aidan, this is a sign of dominance.

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