denali – May 27, 2008 12:00 AM

The socialization process seems to be working. Red Paw greeted the 6 am Nanny/staff shift with wagging tails and submitted to Assistant Curator, Donna Prichard, rolling voluntarily and greeting her by licking her face. The pups are displaying much more predatory behavior including stalking, pouncing and pinning each other. Red Paw always greets the Exhibit Pack with playbows and tail wags, and after the last program, was grabbing the fencing and pulling to get closer to the Exhibit Pack. There seems to be a good association between the adults and the pups. Grizzer is still whining toward the pups, but there is less intensity and focus. He still has his ears perked forward, when the pups are near, whereas all other wolves show submissive ears. The public programs in the auditorium are going well, the pups slept during all of the programs today with very little whining, compared to just a few days ago. Red Paw has his right ear nearly fully erect, and Attila has his left ear nearly fully erect. In the next few days, they should be both fully erect. Pup prints were taken today, and in comparison to the pup prints taken at 22 days old, they are clearly double the size. There appears to be a problem with the new video software compression format, we have ordered another software package and hope to resume video postings soon.

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