denali – May 24, 2008 12:00 AM

Pups have been more inquisitive, licking rocks and chewing on paws, staff arms, staff hair and birch bark. The pups started to transition to a gruel mix, Red Paw took a few bits from staff fingers, but then became more interested in staff hair. He is lapping formula from a bowl, but the bottle is still a source of comfort. Red Paw takes the bottle from just about any staff, but Attila is pretty particular about who feeds him. Red Paw did a stand-over Attila in play behavior, and rolled him over on his back. Red Paw did a headshake, and Attila pulled Red Paws ears and responded with a whine and a growl. The pups ears are about to stand up, and are showing more ear postures, especially during play behavior, turning the ears back in submissive behavior. We’ve been having some database issues when posting the audio. Hopefully, you will hear Red Paw snoring, and in the video, you will see Red Paw doing a head shake, as a predatory behavior during play behavior. These play bouts help wolf pups develop skills that they would need as an adult.

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