denali – May 21, 2008 12:00 AM

Red Paw is 24 days old today. The pups hearing is getting keener, although their ears are not fully erect, making it difficult for them to determine directional sound. A deep rumbling noise of a motorcycle on the highway woke up Red Paw instantly, alert and in-tune to the sound. (No, it wasn’t Jess’s motorcycle; Jess doesn’t have a motorcycle, only a loud muffler). Other behaviors developing are the predatory skills such as growling, headshakes when wrestling. While this may be interpreted as play behavior, these are all skills that would eventually be used by a wolf in a predatory action. The pups went out on the grass between buildings for 10 minutes, at 5 minutes, Red Paw became anxious, there was a short dominance display initiated by Red Paw, then the pups came back into the lab and slept in the den box for several hours. Another social behavior that has really developed is the play bow, and tail wag. Both pups are displaying this behavior. The pup’s premolars are irrupting and causing some teething pain. Both upper and lower canines have erupted, but are still too small for the calipers to measure. For the first time, staff have recorded grooming behavior. The audio you are hearing is more sounds of pups in the dream mode.

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