denali – May 19, 2008 12:00 AM

Red Paw is 22 days old today and continues to be a bit more timid than Attila. In anticipation of the summer pup programs that begin on Thursday, wolf care staff have been taking the pups into the auditorium each evening to get them used to the environment before they meet a crowd of people. So far, Red Paw has demonstrated some whining behavior, seeking comfort from wolf care staff and the stuffed moose, although he was less anxious than the first time he entered the auditorium. If he continues to have positive experiences, he will adjust to the program schedule well. This is a significant difference between wolf pups and dog pups. These wolves are 3 weeks of age, and the fear avoidance behavior, or what some term as Flight Response is very strong. Dog pups generally don’t start showing this type of behavior until 7 – 8 weeks of age. The stuffed moose was brought in specifically as a distraction for programs, and is the same moose we used for the 2000 and 2004 litters. It has served its’ purpose as the pups are very intent on grabbing the moose aggressively, pawing it and biting it. Red Paw attempted to pounce on the moose, but his coordination is still lacking. There is one new behavior to report today, both Red Paw and Attila demonstrated a Play Bow, a behavior where they lower themselves on their front legs, and spring up to pounce on something. Red Paw did this to the moose, and he also did it to one of the wolf care staff. With the growth rate of the pups nearing nearly .5 lbs per day, they need all the rest they can get. In the audio clips this week, you will hear snoring, and moaning when the pups are sleeping in the dream response.

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