denali – Jun 4, 2008 12:00 AM

The pups were given more items from the Exhibit Pack today, with new rocks, feathers, bark and logs. Both pups were very interested in the audio editing process, when they heard themselves whine and howl, they perked their ears in interest. We introduced some ground elk meat to their gruel today, and Red Paw was ravenous with initial bowl, and continued to show interest when small meatballs were put on a birch log during the program. It was very stimulating and is a good transition to a meat base diet in the upcoming weeks. Red Paw continues to show fearless behavior towards the Exhibit Pack, not bothered by their howling. The only exception was during a food scuffle between Maya and Shadow this morning that was extremely loud and intense (Maya eventually got Shadow’s beaver tail). After the 1 pm program today, Red Paw and Lakota went nose to nose at the pack holding area fence, and Lakota lowered her body, and rubbed her side against the fence and Red Paw’s nose. He was very calm with Lakota’s presence and the pups are good stimulus for Lakota.

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