denali – Jun 30, 2008 12:00 AM

Written by Kristin Radermacher – Submitted by Pup Nanny Stephanie Lasley Today was a very active day for brothers Denali and Aiden; it was nicknamed “Wolf Pups Gone Wild by the nannies and staff. Denali is the big boy but fiery Aiden held his own and kept stealing anything that Denali had. Denali in return would run after Aiden and attempt to recapture the item. Often there was a tug of war. Time outside was spent running full speed after each other often stalking and pouncing on one another. They would jaw spar, stand over each other and occasionally a roll over by each. The action didn’t stop when they went inside to eat. They were running all over the office trying to climb the counters. Running into – and fighting in – the box from the air conditioner. It was sort of eat and run by both of them. Denali was observed playing trying to cache the stuffed pheasant toy in a hole he dug under the picnic table.

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