denali – Jun 27, 2008 12:00 AM

Midday the pups were caught outside during the initial downpour of a thunderstorm. The startled pups found their way to shelter and waited there until it was time for the Pup 101 program. They did very well during the program. Denali decided to tempt his brother with a deer tail, pulling it away just as Aidan would reach for it. Later in the lab, as the storm subsided, the two brothers once again fell into furious play. Written by nanny team members Lee Williams & Ann Beyer: During an excited game of kill the cardboard box, Denali practiced dominance behaviors on Aidan by body slamming Aidan, standing over Aidan, biting Aidan’s neck, and head shaking. He also gained a little protein by eating a few bugs, which apparently also came in to find shelter from the storm.

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