denali – Jul 15, 2008 12:00 AM

Logs written by Nanny Team members, Lynne Haines and Sherrel Grabler:<br> Both pups were happy to see wolf care staff and nannies this morning. The pups ate most of a deer leg over the night. Denali was not interested in eating gruel. Denali walked along the fence line as the audience sat down on the bleachers for the Behind The Scenes Program. Aidan used Denali to display a head-shake while grabbing him by the throat. He settled down in the yard, focusing intently on a little boy’s teal colored shoes. Denali slept through the 11 am program. During the 5 pm program, and for a good 20 mins longer, Denali was quite focused on a deer leg, gnawing on it and growling at Aidan whenever he approached.

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