denali – Jul 1, 2008 12:00 AM

Written by Kristin Radermacher, submitted by Kate O'Meara Denali 26lbs This morning the adult wolves were howling, and the pups answered from the pup lab with their own loud howls. Later, when they were out in the pup yard, they paced back and forth wagging their tails as the adult wolves came up to the fence. Maya and Grizzer both whined at the pups. After a few minutes the pups found shady spots to lay down and watch the adults. Back in the lab Denali spent most of the morning sleeping until right before the 11:00 pups program when he stood over Aiden. Aside from a brief skirmish with his brother during the program, he kept himself entertained with a beaver tail. After the program during the heat of midday, he spent his time napping in the wolf pup lab. Added by Kristin Radermacher; This afternoon after the last pup program we took the pups out to the pup pen. Denali found and cached a pinecone and then a stick. He spent a bit of time in the new "pool" in the pup yard.

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