denali – Jan 22, 2010 12:00 AM

What can we say about Denali except that he is constantly active, and always involved with whatever event is occurring. He continues to socially wrestle with Grizzer and Grizzer shows no real sign of intensified response to Denali. We did observe something interesting this morning. At the densite, Maya was jaw sparring with Aidan, Shadow came in to assert dominance over Aidan, then Denali came over and did a grab bite to Maya, distracting Maya from Aidan. Denali proceeded to stand tall and face off Maya. It was clearly a sign that Denali is not taking Maya's dominance as easy as Aidan. With Denali intervening, Maya left Aidan alone and continued to try to show some status over Denali with little success. We don't think it was Denali protecting Aidan (he does his fair share of dominance over Aidan), but more a show of confidence in Denali that he is willing to confront whatever dominance is in the enclosure.

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