Denali – Hot or Bothered?

We all know animals pant when hot, but animals may become overheated by stressful situations.  Denali has been facing a bit of anxiety as the fall approaches and Boltz and Luna seem to be increasing their activity.  Activity is good; Activity keeps older animals fit, but sometimes the three-year old activity can be a bit more physical and bothersome to a middle-aged wolf.  Denali also has the occasional redirected aggression from Aidan, his brother and pack leader.  To sum it up, Denali is usually on the receiving end of a scruff bite, a ride-up, or some kind of force to bring his 136 pound frame to a subordinate posture.  So, you may have heard me say…”when is a yawn not just a yawn, but an expression of anxiety”?  We also have to say, when is a panting wolf just hot or is there more to the issue.   These are the training details we incorporate for all of our wolf care staff, future pup care members and Wolf Watch participants.  Our next Wolf Watch program is October 2nd, or join us for our Fall Equinox webinar on Wednesday, September 23rd, behavioral interpretation is the focus of our wolf care programs.

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