Denali – Curiosity in the Enclosure

We have been working hard in recent weeks to finish a cement housing for an above-ground UV Light filter for the pond. This filter will assist in killing algae that grows in the pond during the summer, which allows us to reduce the amount of times it has to be drained and cleaned, and thusly reduce costs for the water needed to refill it each time. Because of this, we’ve had a temporary fence enclosure set up inside the exhibit pack’s area, which Denali has investigated numerous times. We are still waiting on a few parts, and so the fence will remain up as we complete this project. We try to make our temporary fences as wolf-proof as possible, but the Ambassador Wolves have, in the past, shown that they can outsmart our barriers every now and then. For now though, Denali appears to be unable to thwart this fence line.