Denali – Alert Ears

One thing about Denali is that he is extremely alert, especially when food resources are leaving the freezer or entering the enclosure.   When training staff about wolf behavior, we focus on three main features: 

1. How are they holding their ears

2. How are they holding their tail

3. Where are they focusing their eyes. 

These three observations will give a good insight into a wolves attitude and Denali’s typical attitude is “Where’s the meat?” 

Today, we aren’t seeing as much focus as we normally do from Denali.  He seems to be a bit lethargic and has lost his appetite.  For a wolf like Denali, that’s definitely a sign that warrants a call to the Vet clinic.  We gathered a fecal sample, have run through the symptoms and our veterinarian has developed a course of treatment to get him back on track.