Boltz – Wolf Ethology Observations

This week’s wolf logs are based on observations by our Biology 1476: Wolf Ethology participants

Melonie and Suzanne – The weather this week was unusually hot and humid for the Ely area, resulting in more resting behavior from the wolves. However, it was cooler on Wednesday. The wolves became anxious from the wind. Throughout the week, Boltz was ever-watchful of Luna, the wind overhead, and the flies. When not distracted by these elements, Boltz explored the enclosure and interacted with the other wolves comfortably. He spends a considerable amount of time resting on the sand pile, more than any other wolf. When not on the sand, he often moves into the shade where there is a shallow bowl. Even when resting in these areas, Boltz most often has his head raised, ears rotating, or one eye open.