Boltz- T1 Tail

Wolf Family

We celebrated Boltz’s 5th birthday today and we take this time to look at the dynamics of the social group we call the Exhibit Pack.  This photo has a significant amount of details about each individual member (click on image to see larger size).  Starting from the far left, Grayson is in a tail wag indicating arousal and his tail is mid-back with ears pricked but turned slightly sideways showing confidence, but not intense focus on Aidan.  Boltz is next with a T-1 tail;  It is held much higher than Grayson, indicating a bit more confidence and ears that are pricked forward with a direct stare towards Aidan.  This is a behavior worth noting when we have a pack leader nearing 9 years of age.  I am most impressed by Aidan’s posture, his tail shows arousal, not extremely high over the back, but confident.  His front legs are both off the ground which could be part of a play-bow.  If you look at his ears, they are more submissive and express a more social interaction.  Axel is not quite as sure, with 3 of the 4 Exhibit Pack members approaching him, he drops his head, tail and ears as signs of submission. What a great day to watch the pack.