boltz – Aug 10, 2012 12:00 AM

At the end of the Behavioral Observation week, I asked the team members to write a paragraph about their impression of the individual wolves. The following logs were written by Behavioral Team Members:<br> Claudia Dannelly<br> Gailyn Barela<br> Carla Mounsey<br> "Boltz is well socialized to the adults. He appreciates and engages the adults. Rarely aggressive, but is confident in his personality. It seems he may be the lower ranking male, but that could change. Physically, he is strong and he has a laid back demeanor. He seemed initially to protect Luna when Aidan and Denali tried to force her to submit. His playful nature when pinned allows him to break away from the group, then come back for more play. He appears socially well balanced, not dependent upon the adults very much. He is engaged and curious and investigates every root and rock he sees. He likes to disappear underground for extended periods of time, especially during the warmest part of the day. He can be independent when he wants, but time will tell if he gets the brunt of aggression from the other males as well as Luna. He avoids conflict by walking away or tries to keep the peace by submitting. We think he's the peacekeeper of the group."<br> The following are the weights taken since the last posting<br> Date Days Old and Weight in Pounds<br> <li>8/3/2012 140 54.23<li> 8/4/2012 141 54.67<li> 8/5/2012 142 54.23<li> 8/6/2012 143 54.23<li> 8/7/2012 144 54.67<li> 8/8/2012 145 55.9<li> 8/9/2012 146 55.1<li> 8/10/2012 147 55.99

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