Boltz – A New Posture

Since the pups arrived, Boltz is whining at the fence, eagerly waiting for pups arrival in the yard and showing some interesting facial expressions and postures.  In this photo, he displays a posture similar to Shadow with his legs crossed and an expressive ear posture.  He is also the only Exhibit Pack member to regurgitate to the pups.  One of the reasons why we introduce pups on the 4-year rotation is that the presence of the pups tends to take the focus of the middle-aged wolves (in this case, 4-year old Boltz) off of the 8-year old wolves (Aidan and Denali) and onto the social interactions with pups.  It’s as if the 4-year old’s retreat to pup behavior.  In the Youtube posted last week, we witnessed Boltz food begging to Denali.  We also see some very cohesive behavior with Aidan and Boltz as they watch the pups together.  The only strife is when Luna becomes a bit obsessed and unstable while guarding the pups.