Aidan – The Coming of Winter

Chilly days have reached Ely Minnesota, giving us the clear hint that winter is not far off. Because of this perhaps, the wolves have become quite active in the enclosure during the day. With the coming of winter, hormones are beginning to increase, and we may be seeing a preview of the winter dominance displays to come. Aidan has certainly been reminded of this as well, as Boltz has begun testing statuses again. Aidan doesn’t seem to concerned however, during this week’s ‘What’s for Dinner?’ program, where are wolves are fed in front of a live audience, Aidan was seen socially greeting and interacting with the two-year olds, rolling around and submitting to them.

This behavior doesn’t mean that Aidan has lowered his own status, it likely reflects his confidence in his status. We’ve seen this rolling around and submitting behavior from previous dominant animals, as more of a social display rather than a dominance one. If one of the other animals begins pushing his limits however, Aidan is quick to remind them of their lower rank.