Aidan – The Age of Comfort

A few weeks ago, staff noticed some behavior that appeared to look like shivering when Aidan was lying in the cover hay beds.  This isn’t typical for an adult wolf, especially one that has no problem obtaining his fair share of food resources (and the shares of others).  Unfortunately, a vet check for a wolf is not as easy as loading them in a car and going to the clinic.  Any more detailed diagnostic such as blood work would require chemical immobilization which is risky in colder temperatures and even more risk when removing the dominant pack leader from the pack.  Captive wolves are known to close up rank orders when an individual wolf is moved out, not allowing them back into the pack.  We suspect Boltz could be antagonistic towards Aidan if there was a separation.  So, in Aidan’s case, we started with a sample we could acquire.  With the help of some smelly items, he did an RLU and the urine sample verified that he had a urinary tract infection that wasn’t causing him to be hypodermic (shivering from cold), but showing a quivering likely caused by discomfort or pain.  A treatment of antibiotics cleared up the infection and he’s been active every since.  Although, being the pack leader and an older pack member, we do try to make sure he has all the comforts that he deserves.