aidan – Sep 1, 2012 12:00 AM

I posted these logs as 9/1 so they wouldn't go into archive status after today. Aidan is doing such an amazing job with the pups. His guarding behavior of Denali is increasing and he's showing some very dominant postures, including a tail posture with a slight rise at the base (remind anyone of Maya?). What's most amazing is his tolerance of the pups while we are feeding. He waits patiently while the pups are being hand-fed and doesn't show aggression or over anxious behavior to try and get the food. We reward him often for this behavior, compared to Denali who we now lock into holding when we try to feed the pups. Aidan is no longer receiving any treatment for the Discoid Lupus, his pigmentation on his nose is nearly back to normal.

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