aidan – Oct 6, 2008 12:00 AM

Written by assistant wolf curator, Donna Prichard:<br> This past weekend, Aidan did well with the activity from the Workin’ For Wolves weekend. He and Denali spend countless hours wrestling and chasing each other, and this behavior oftentimes gets directed at Grizzer. The wolf care staff have observed that many of Aidan’s behaviors and characteristics are similar to that of Shadow, the dominant male in this pack. Aidan also displays many predatory behaviors such as stalking and pouncing. This past week during wolf care, the wolf care staff observed Aidan stalking a small bird and attempted to lunge at it, to no avail. Aidan continues to maintain and good growth rate and recently lost an upper canine milk tooth due to teething. This is typical of the time frame of tooth development in wolves; replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth generally occurs at approximately six to seven months of age.

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