aidan – Nov 3, 2008 12:00 AM

Aidan’s been getting a bit of dominance from Maya. There doesn’t seem to be any particular reason why Maya starts the dominance, but it can get quite intense at times. So, far she hasn’t shown the same behavior towards Denali. Aidan’s response initially was to growl and jaw spar with her, now, he submits and waits for her to back off, then leaves. In Maya’s video clip this week, you will see her doing a stand over Aidan, while Aidan continues to chew on a bone. The first snowfall of the year occurred on the 27th of October, and the pups enjoyed the opportunity to sniff and roll in the snow. With the snow, comes an increase in hormones and dominance displays are a normal part of wolf behavior this time of the year. The pups are doing well and interacting with the pack as a social unit.

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