aidan – Nov 23, 2009 12:00 AM

Karen Pajari spent 3 days observing the pack after Malik’s retirement and provided the following observations. Aidan continues to spend most of his time very close to wolf den or resting on the den, constantly watching for Maya. The warm trend over the last several days has resulted in more panting, but when wolf care staff comes near the den he does relax and seeks them out. When Shadow walks by, Aidan greets him excitably, but he is reluctant to join in on howling since howling bouts create excitable dominance from Maya. If Maya is too intense, Shadow does come over to the interaction, not necessarily intervening, but observing. If dynamics changes over the winter and Shadow is retired, it will likely change the relationship between Maya and Adian. This month’s Podcast will review the USDA incident report concerning the aggressive incident that prompted Malik’s retirement and the subsequent management challenges

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