Aidan – Middle Age Woes

Aidan is seven years old and has an active job managing this pack.  On Friday morning, we noticed that he didn’t come out of the den to interact with staff.  This is atypical for Aidan, he likes to greet staff especially the Friday morning team which usually has enough people to ensure that every wolf gets a human.  Upon further investigation, we discovered sensitivity in his right knee.  The vet’s prescribed a 7 day treatment of anti-inflammatory and within 30 minutes of the first dose, was running, jumping and chasing with the pack.  (this is probably how he got the injury in the first place). Even though his attitude is willing, his body reminds him that he is a middle-aged wolf.  Notice how Boltz is close to Aidan as this examination occurred.  We are seeing some very alert behavior to Aidan’s weaknesses.