aidan – May 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Attila is 32 days old today. Here are some items from the past 24 hour behavioral notes. <br> Exhibit play behavior, growling. Lori had to put him on his back two times, because of aggressive growling. Lori picked up a roadkill and the pups started pulling at Lori's shirt that had some residual deer blood. <br> Lots of playbowing and wrestling early in program. Attila submissive paw to Red Paw. After the program, Attila is really exploring the wolf yard, with play bows, stalking and pouncing in yard. The pups woke in response to adults howling, but did not respond with howls, the pups groomed themselves after play behavior. Much more predatory behavior, pulling then shaking Red Paw repeatedly for several minutes. Attila is really taking to the bowl, he lapped formula so fast that he would not let Red Paw at bowl. <br> Attila had an intense facial greeting with good begging behavior to Donna Prichard, and did a Stand Over Red Paw. He straddled and dominted the stuffed moose.

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