aidan – May 11, 2009 12:00 AM

Most of the pack received their Parvo and Rabies vaccinations last week. I say most of the pack, so you will have to read Shadow and Malik's logs to know what that means. Aidan did very well with vaccinations, despite his looking over his shoulder to see Maya's location. Aidan's most enjoyable part of the vaccination protocol was when Maya was down on her side and the wolf care staff were vaccinating her. She let out an anxious whine which seemed to please Aidan. Aidan's photo this week really shows his submissive status to Shadow, and his desire to seek acceptance from him. He is extremely bonded to Shadow, and lately, there have been many reports of Aidan and Maya pair bonding together. Maya is still sporadic in her interactions with Aidan, some days she stalks, other day she socializes.

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