aidan – Jun 7, 2013 12:00 AM

We started Aidan on a treatment for Discoid Lupus, so far, he's responding well with no side affects from the treatment. He's been very social lately, demonstrating a lot of whining behavior towards the yearlings as he draws them to the upper enclosure. This is the same behavior he displayed when they were first introduced into the enclosure and he may be influenced by a seasonal spike in prolactin hormone, even though there are no pups to create a strong stimulus. We managed to get all wolves weighed this week and Aidan weighed in at 129.6 pounds. Here's a review of his annual weights since he was a yearling. <li> 4/22/2009 Aidan 106.70 lbs (YEARLING) <li>4/29/2010 Aidan 106.92 lbs <LI>6/5/2011 Aidan 124 lbs <li>6/14/2012 Aidan 123 lbs <li>6/4/2013 Aidan 129 lbs <br> The wolves will reach their peak size between 3 and 6 year of age.

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