aidan – Jun 30, 2013 12:00 AM

Written by Pups at One Year participant Andi Nelsen: At the Pups at One Year program, participants, the majority of the time, was spend with behavioral observations of the pack and speculating on what the future may hold. Wil Aidan and Luna pair bond? As the current dominant male in the pack, Aidan has a very dynamic role in the Exhibit pack. As Shadow tended to do, Aidan is generally the one who hangs back and observes and subtly controls the the behaviors of the others. For example, at the enclosure enrichements and the Saturday What's For Dinner program, the others engaged before he did. But eventually, he did eat and marked some of the enrichment items (ice block). In addition to the Pups at One Year program, a bus tour from the Twin Cities came up, with large Behind the Scenes group. This is a scenario that can create stress, but Aidan handled it quite well. With fly season in full swing, a new spray for the pack was applied, seemingly with success. All wolves seemed to be shaking their heads less after application.

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