aidan – Jul 15, 2008 12:00 AM

Logs written by Lynne Haines and Sherrel Grabler:<br> Both pups were happy to see wolf care staff and nannies this morning. The pups ate most of a deer leg over the night. Aidan was not interested in eating gruel. Later he regurgitated a small amount of straw and fur. Aidan tried to cache a pig’s ear, then began digging in the dirt by the wolf lab. During the Behind the Scenes Program, Aidan was relaxed, keeping an eye on the audience from his perch on top of the picnic table. He also displayed a head-shake while grabbing Denali by the throat. Aidan occupied himself during the 11 am program by eating chicken, cheese and chasing a bug while Denali slept. The 5 pm program was a little more active, with Aidan trying to entice a deer leg away from Denali, but ultimately settling on a pig’s ear. Following the program, the pups were active, with Aidan chasing Denali, followed by jaw sparring, squashing, and standing over Denali.

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