aidan – Jan 19, 2009 12:00 AM

The wolves did well with the recent cold snap last week. Wolf care faced temperatures of – 39 below on 2 mornings, – 32 below on one morning and a warm spell of – 26 below and Friday's balmy – 16 below… The wolf care staff are here 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that the wolves have the best care possible. Aidan has been the most active in this cold, he actually has developed a prance to his step. If Denali is bedded down, Aidan will run in front of him, hopping on his back feet, pouncing on anything under the snow. This usually gets Denali up to interact. Staff have noticed that Aidan is quick to exhibit predatory behavior. When spreading straw, fast movements shaking the straw will result in him coming in for a grab of the straw and possibly the arm attached to the straw. This was a behavioral trait displayed by Kiana, another wolf who resided here from 1993 – 1998, she had a strong predatory drive as well.

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