aidan – Dec 24, 2010 12:00 AM

I'm not sure if you noticed, but since Denali's time out, Aidan has been spending much more time on the greeting rock. The reduction in tension has made his life easier. As I stated in the Youtube video, Denali gets reintroduced to the pack on Monday, that is, if Grizzer passes his Vet inspection. All indications look good. In an effort to aid the transition of Denali back into the pack, we are feeding extra amounts of food to all wolves to reduce the typical wolf competition they have while feeding on a deer carcass. We are also trying an all natural product called D.A.P., or Dog Appeasing Pheromones, which we are spraying in their straw beds. It is a safe product, and while we recognize wolf behavior is driven by instincts and is not the brain of a domesticated animal like a dog, we thought we would try it anyway. If it has even a small influence and calming effect it will be worth it. Mother Nature is cooperating as well, temperatures have moderated here, with highs in the 20's and lows near zero, much better than the -30 below weather that caused the last bout of tension.

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