aidan – Apr 1, 2011 12:00 AM

Aidan and Denali have started to really socially interact. This behavior is very similar to their behavior as pups and the primary reason why we prefer to have two pups socialized together. There doesn't appear to be any clear indication of dominance when they are socializing. We see Aidan doing ride up behaviors and mounting, but in the next moment, Denali will display the same behaviors. Of course, this is the season for calmer wolf behavior, and we are not likely to see dominance testing as the summer approaches. We are dealing with some Aidan insecurity issues, where he needs to be with wolf care staff and will grab the staff if they try to leave him. The best course of action is to stay with him until he wanders off. In the last several days, we have observed several passive submissions towards staff. This means, with no prompting from staff, he roles over in a submissive posture.

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