Aidan – A Calming Presence

Winter has arrived and despite typical dominance occurring during the winter season, the Exhibit Pack is calm and Aidan has done an outstanding job of socializing the pups.  There have been many observations of Aidan stimulating pup interaction by rolling over, submitting and submissively pawing the pups in a social greeting.   But Aidan’s role is not only social, he shows limits to the pup’s often gregarious behavior and keeps Denali and Boltz from becoming too exuberant.  It does seem that Aidan has a more youthful level of activity during the many bouts of interactions, but at the end of the day, we are still reminded that he is nearing 9 years of age.  The pack leaders seem to show their age more than other pack members and we often catch Aidan in an eye’s closed, resting posture.  These are often short-lived as the pack has a lot of energy.