
Wolves generally prefer to eat deer, moose, and mountain goats—ungulates are their food of choice. But when those prey are scarce or unavailable, new research shows that wolves in southeast Alaska switch to eating a wide buffet of alternate animals. Some have even switched to sea otters as their favorite fare, preferring them over deer.

The research, conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and Oregon State University from 2010 to 2018, is the first large-scale, region-wide study of wolf diets in southeast Alaska, covering both its archipelago of islands and the mainland, across landscapes from estuaries to alpine tundra.

Click here for the full story.

From The Spokeman-Review in Spokane, Washington:

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has reworked its range riding program, partly in response to allegations of fraud from 2018.

“We’ve all learned about range riding and come to an understanding of what the job duties of a range rider are,” WDFW wolf policy leader Donny Martorello said.

Click here for the full story.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

In the wake of a rushed, court-ordered gray wolf hunting and trapping season that surpassed the state-licensed kill quota by 83% in just three days and attracted international attention, the Department of Natural Resources has begun a deliberate process to inform the next chapters of wolf management in Wisconsin.

In March, the agency formed a Wolf Harvest Advisory Committee to help set a kill quota for the 2021 fall wolf season; the group has had one meeting, April 8.

Click here for the full story.


On February 25, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced that a radio-collared wolf had wandered into the state from Oregon. While that in itself was not unusual, OR-93 was detected east of Yosemite National Park, further south than any wandering wolf before him. The news coverage recalled the excitement over OR-7, who earned fans 10 years ago by journeying hundreds of miles in California and Oregon.

Since then, OR-93 has continued to roam the Golden State, first traveling south toward Fresno, then westward to the coast. He was last detected by CDFW on April 6 in San Luis Obispo County.

Click here for the full story.

From the Spooner Advocate in Wisconsin:

Members of the policy-setting board for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources aren’t happy with the agency’s plans to maintain the wolf population as they develop a quota for this fall’s wolf hunt.

Keith Warnke, administrator of the DNR’s fish, wildlife and parks division, told the agency’s wolf harvest advisory committee last week that the DNR’s objective is “no substantive change” to the state’s wolf population until a new wolf management plan is approved.

Click here for the full story.

From in Nebraska:

OMAHA, Nebraska (Fremont Tribune) — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission confirmed the third instance in 20 years of a gray wolf’s presence in the state of Nebraska Wednesday.

The commission received a report of a large female canine that was legally shot by coyote hunters near Uehling, which is about 20 miles north of Fremont, on Jan. 28.

Click here for the full story.

From The Daily Sentinel in Grand Junction, Colorado:

The first education session on wolf reintroduction will happen this month and the public is invited to attend.

On April 28, from 6 to 8 p.m., two experts from Montana and Idaho will present to the public and members of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission an online educational session as part of Colorado’s wolf reintroduction efforts.

Click here for the full story.

From the Montana Standard:

Montana Republican lawmakers used their majorities Tuesday to push several high-profile wildlife bills to the brink of passage in the Legislature.

Lawmakers advanced bills allowing the use of hounds to hunt black bearsdirecting wildlife managers to reduce wolf populations and restricting the state’s response in relocating grizzly bears. The bills, which passed largely along party lines with majority Republicans backing, face a final vote Wednesday to head to the desk of Gov. Greg Gianforte.

Click here for the full story.

From the Star Tribune in Minnesota:

How exactly do lone wolves spend warm spring days, when food is plentiful and there are no pups to look after?

For generations, researchers have struggled to follow the elusive predators after the snow melts, when the animals split away from their packs to wander or to hunker down in the thick undergrowth of the northern Minnesota woods.

Click here for the full story.

The International Wolf Center will be adding pups to its pack in 2021.

Contact information:
Chad Richardson, Communications Director, International Wolf Center
Email: [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Center planned to add pups in 2020, but the Covid-19 pandemic forced the Center to delay those plans for one year. The pups are expected to arrive in early to mid-May and they will be visible to the public starting on approximately Friday, June 4.

The Center believes in wolf education, and one method for accomplishing the Center’s mission of advancing survival of wolf populations in the wild is through the use of ambassador wolves.

“There are countless benefits when visitors experience the Center’s socialized wolves that offer a glimpse into the individual traits of wolves, showing the social nature of the species that makes it successful as a top-level predator,” said Lori Schmidt, the Center’s wolf curator. “So often people portray wolves for their predatory behavior and don’t appreciate the intricate pack life and social organization that keeps them together as a social unit. As curator, it is my job to maintain a socially cohesive unit of wolves in the exhibit, and we recognize that to do this, new life must be added to the exhibit.”

The pandemic does mean there will be some changes at the Center this summer. The 2021 pups will not be part of the Center’s hourly indoor programs.

“Because of Covid-19 restrictions, we will be offering outdoor viewing opportunities that will require pre-registration to participate in a 15-minute pup viewing opportunity,” said Interpretive Center Director Krista Harrington. “We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but safety of our guests, our staff and the wolves is paramount and opportunities may be weather dependent.”

Another way to see the 2021 wolf pups is with a one-hour behind the scenes tour. These tours are only available for members of the International Wolf Center. Information about membership is available at

Advance tickets are required for everyone

Everyone who visits the Center in 2021 must purchase advance tickets. To get your tickets, click the Book Now button on the lower right-hand side of the page at For members of the Center, entrance tickets are free. Members are also required to book tickets in advance so that we can ensure everyone’s safety.

Your pup viewing opportunity must be booked for the same day as your general admission.

What will their names be?

The International Wolf Center will conduct a pup naming contest beginning in early June and announce the names at a special virtual fundraising event on June 15.

Where are the pups coming from?

The International Wolf Center is a non-breeding exhibit, so when pups are added, we coordinate with another professional animal organization. The source is dependent upon reproductive plans within their facility and availability. We always acquire captive-born pups. This year we are coordinating again with the Wildlife Science Center in Stacy, Minnesota. They collaborated with the International Wolf Center first in 2008 to provide pups Aidan and Denali and had pups ready for us in 2020, but the International Wolf Center had to cancel the transfer due to Covid-19.

In 2021, we are planning to integrate the Northwestern subspecies into our Exhibit Pack.

The Wildlife Science Center has more than 100 wolves and is an active participant in both the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf Species Survival Plan program.

The mission of WSC is to serve as an educational resource for all ages by: providing exposure to wild animals and the body of knowledge generated for their conservation; to advance understanding of wild animal biology through long-term, humane scientific studies on captive populations, thus contributing to technical training for wildlife agencies, educational institutions and conservation agencies.


The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wildlands and the human role in their future. For more information about the International Wolf Center, visit