
In a remarkably pointed critique, one of the most senior Democrats in the House yesterday voiced sharp disappointment with Interior Secretary Deb Haaland over her refusal to extend emergency Endangered Species Act protections to the gray wolf.

The chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) let loose following a phone call with Haaland to discuss the species, which was removed from the ESA list last January.

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BOISE, Idaho — State officials are requesting $392,000 from the general fund to kill wolves in Idaho, and with other revenue sources will have just over $1 million for that purpose starting this summer.

The Wolf Depredation Control Board made the request Wednesday to the Legislature’s powerful budget-setting committee.

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From the Colorado Sun:

Don Gittleson woke up Wednesday morning to a sight that’s starting to feel common on his North Park ranch: a cow torn up by wolves, the third attack on his livestock since a few days before Christmas. If this were Montana, Wyoming or Idaho, Gittleson could pull out a gun and shoot the predator dead.

But this is Colorado.

Wolves in Colorado are protected under state law. Killing them – no matter how many cows or sheep or pet dogs they attack – is not allowed.

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From the National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation:

The National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation and its collaborative partners have released a new documentary film, “The Return of Wolves: Isle Royale National Park,” a culmination of a four-year, ongoing initiative that studies how the predator/prey relationship between wolves and moose was re-established on Isle Royale National Park.

The corresponding free educational plans in “Lessons from the Wilderness” offer educators in the classroom and homeschool settings the opportunity to teach students about the unique relationship between wolves and moose on Isle Royale National Park and how it alters the ecosystem. This program has lessons for K-12 learners in four age groups, with a curriculum most relevant and appropriate for each grade level.

Click here to watch the video.


Following the reported shooting of an endangered Mexican grey wolf in Arizona earlier this month, there has been an outpouring of criticism.

Last year, the wolf, named Anubis after the Egyptian jackal-god of death, was spotted in the state. According to the Arizona Central news site, the wolf was shot and killed on January 2.

Click here for the full story.

From The Durango Herald in Colorado:

Some ranchers say Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s new wolf hazing rules will not mitigate the impacts that wolves will have on ranching.

The CPW Commission, which sets regulations for the state’s park and wildlife programs, unanimously approved emergency regulations allowing livestock owners to haze gray wolves. But without an option for lethal action, ranchers think wolves will still impact their operations.

Click here for the full story.

From The Washington Post:

BILLINGS, Mont. — Twenty of Yellowstone National Park’s renowned gray wolves roamed from the park and were shot by hunters in recent months — the most killed by hunting in a single season since the predators were reintroduced to the region more than 25 years ago, park officials said.

Fifteen wolves were shot after roaming across the park’s northern border into Montana, according to figures released to the Associated Press. Five more died in Idaho and Wyoming.

Click here for the full story.

From The Guardian:

Finland is joining Sweden and Norway in culling wolves this winter to control their population, as conservation groups appeal to the European Union to take action against the slaughter.

Hunters in Sweden have already shot dead most of their annual target of 27 wolves, while Finland is to authorise the killing of 20 wolves in its first “population management cull” for seven years.

Click here for the full story.

From the Mountain Journal:

For the first autumn in 27 years, the most famous population of wild wolves in the world has essentially no protection when members of its packs wander across the invisible boundary of Yellowstone National Park into Montana.

Montana’s controversial new wolf management laws, designed to reduce wolf numbers in the state to the lowest level they can be without triggering a return to federal protection under the Endangered Species Act, come into sharpest focus perhaps on the northern edge of America’s first national park.

Click here for the full story.

From the Greek Reporter in Greece:

A recent incident in which a wolf approached a man and his daughter and attacked their dog on Mt. Parnitha just outside of Athens on Saturday shocked many Greeks all across the country.

Most residents of the Greek capital certainly had no idea whatsoever that wolves roamed the mountainous slopes located so close to the metropolis.

Click here for the full story.