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258 search results for: Howling


Denali – A Howl Results in a Rally

Denali requires daily anti-histamines, two in the morning, one at night.  He has a small growth similar to the start of Aidan’s mast cell issues.  The growth remains the size of a pea, and has not changed in over a year, but to be on the safe side, the antihistamines are prescribed to keep the […]


Grayson – Response to External Influences

Grayson continues to be the wolf that responds to external influences such as backhoe work around the site (yes, the new fiber optic line is being dug this week.. maybe a return of the retired camera broadcast next week?).  We did have  break through this week.  For years, Grizzer has been bark-howling at the vets […]


Boltz – Pelage Blends with the Habitat

There are many unique communication methods employed by wolves.  Tail postures, eye contact, howling, scent marking are the most notable.  But, if you take a moment to look at a wolf’s markings or pelage, you specific parts of the wolf may have a color pattern to aid in communication.  Let’s start with the eyes.  Direct […]


Wolf Discovery gallery coming to the International Wolf Center in Ely

Public can visit during construction Contact: Chad Richardson, communications director International Wolf Center Office: 763-560-7374, ext. 225 A dynamic new exhibit is coming to the International Wolf Center to replace the celebrated “Wolves and Humans” exhibit that has been on display at the Center since it opened in 1993. To prepare for the new […]


Grayson – Strongest Bonds – Most Difficult Time

In the transition of Aidan into retirement, Grayson seems to have the most significant impact to his behavior.  Even prior to retirement, Grayson would display some lone howls towards staff at the start of wolf care.  He is a very vocal wolf, but lately, the howling seems to continue into the mid-morning.  It is low […]


Boltz- Forest Dweller

In the past few weeks, the return of the Minnesota insect season has kept Boltz as a forest dweller, spending most of the day in the protective shade of the forest.  This is great for his ears, as he doesn’t have any of the nasty fly bites at the tips of his ears that require […]


Grayson – What Does it Mean?

To summarize Grizzer’s log, we have a recurring issue where Grizzer bark howls in a threat display towards our Veterinarian.  This is due to an incident that occurred over 10 years ago.  In a recent Vet visit for Aidan, when Grizzer started barkhowling, the only member of the Exhibit Pack to respond was Grayson, and […]


Grizzer – The Impacts of an Unfortunate Moment

Last week, we had a vet check on Aidan that started with staff rearranging the retirement area, and specifically Grizzer’s line of sight.  No, we didn’t move Aidan into the Pack Holding Area for the exam, we had to address a long-standing issue that Grizzer has with our Vet.  As we discuss rank order issues, […]


Grizzer – Thickest Coat of the Bunch

This weeks log written by Kim Wheeler, Executive Director, Red Wolf Coalition, Inc.  During my visit to the Center, I witnessed Grizzer’s thick coat first hand.  Grizzer was very social with wolf care staff this week.  At almost 13 years old, Grizzer still has a deep howl and he lead several howling sessions with all […]