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258 search results for: Howling


Grizzer with his summer pelage

It took a while, but Grizzer finally shed his winter coat and is showing the sleek posture of a summer pelage.  Note what appears to be an oversized head compared to the winter photo of a complimentary neck of hair.  I was recently asked if Grizzer will have some anxiety with the pups moving into […]


Pup Update – 14 June 2016

The pups have peaks and valleys when it comes to weight gain and can be based on activity, stimuli, amount of time resting and the basic metabolism of an individual pup.  Pup Care Staff and Participants monitor all food consumption  so we know every detail about their diet, but pups can vary. We look closely […]


Pup Update 14 June 16

The pups have peaks and valleys when it comes to weight gain and can be based on activity, stimuli, amount of time resting and the basic metabolism of an individual pup.  Pup Care Staff and Participants monitor all food consumption  so we know every detail about their diet, but pups can vary. We look closely […]


Grizzer – Enjoying Staff Time

Grizzer gets a full check of teeth, gums, eyes, ears, tick check and gets the benefit of wolf care grooming.  He seems to enjoy it.  We commented on a previous Youtube that Grizzer would be moved to the “East Side” retirement area while the pups use the “Pack Holding Area”, but I should have qualified […]


Axel-A day in the life of a pup

Axel is a one month old Arctic wolf that has joined the IWC family. During the past week, his coat has lightened and his ears have become erect. He continues to interact with his brother, with some initial dominance characteristics-chin rests, standing over, and vocalizations. He alternates between being the initiator and on the receiving […]


Who Speaks for Wolf Award

The International Wolf Center Board of Directors is honored to present the 2017 Who Speaks for Wolf award to Heidi Pinkerton. For all she knew, Pinkerton’s role was a simple one at the International Wolf Center during a beautiful summmer afternoon in Ely during 2017. She’d been asked to come by the Center to take some […]


Grizzer – That Feels Good

Grizzer likes the wolf care checks when we massage his coat and do a good check for ectoparasites and other issues.  His facial expressions certainly tell us that it feels good.   During a Wolf Enrichment Webinar last week, the pack was very distracted and seemed to be focused on the upper wood line of […]


Grizzer – Sharing Territory

 We continue to see a lot of howling behavior from Grizzer towards the back of his enclosure. We likely have some activity from other animals in the area surrounding the International Wolf Center. There have been several sightings of Lynx and Bobcats in the Ely area, and prior to the melt, we’ve seen quite a […]


Grizzer – Contact Outside of the Enclosure

Grizzer has been having a bit of howling stimulus from outside of the enclosure lately.  It is the wild wolf breeding season, and certainly wild wolves may be more actively defending territory.  We haven’t been fortunate enough to catch it on camera, but the surveillance camera and our closest neighbors have been providing time and […]


Aidan – The Stoic Leader

Wolf Logs written by Wolf Watch participants Steve Houglum and Marcia Mummau.  Aidan is a stoic, quiet, but alert pack leader who doesn’t interfere with the pack dynamics unless he deems it necessary, which isn’t very often.  Aidan, Boltz and Luna had a howling session early Saturday morning, awakening the wolf watch group before dawn.  […]