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258 search results for: Howling


grizzer – Jun 27, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Grizzer is 53 days old. In the morning he started becoming anxious and wanted to be outside. Outside, Grizzer greeted arctics vigorously and then went to explore the dogloo dog house in the overnight outdoor kennel. Grizzer did well througout most of the 11 am program, then became anxious near the end and climbed […]


denali – May 11, 2008 12:00 AM

This pup continues to display very independent behavior, he seems to seek out corners of the enclosure after feeding, and doesn't want to be touched, but wants to lie flat on his belly. This is likely a temperature response, the concrete floor is cooler. One noteable behavior that occurred on Sunday at 6:20 pm, was […]


aidan – May 14, 2008 12:00 AM

The pups are 17 days old today. Here are some notes from the Observation Logs. <br> <br> 12:20 am – Woke from deep sleep to sound of Jess's motorcycle, stood up, walked around then curled up and fell asleep <br> <br> 9:10 am – Staff brought pine boughs, birch log and cedar log into pup […]


denali – May 13, 2008 12:00 AM

Data recorded through the last 24 hours included: <br>3:37 am – Took 30 seconds to lock on to nipple. Then voracious feeder. Post feeding, climbed on top of stuffed wolf for additional suckling. <br> <br>5:01 am – Growled and barked during sleep. The two pups are sleeping together with stuffed wolf. <br> <br>6:15 am – […]


maya – Jun 8, 2004 12:00 AM

Groan is 34 days old today. She is still exhibiting dominance over Nubee and Grizz. Groan also howled when she heard a squeaky toy. Groan was extremely anxious during pen cleaning. She began to be anxious after the door was opened. She paced the edges of the pen and whined loudly, howling slightly at times. […]


grizzer – Jun 10, 2004 12:00 AM

Today, Grizz is 36 days old. Grizz was very active in the outside puppy pen. He was running, jumping and investigating his future packmates(Malik and Shadow) through the fence. Staff has been noting an increase in his dominant behavior. Grizz frequently growls at both his littermates and handlers. He was very relaxed during the 3:00 […]


maya – Jun 11, 2004 12:00 AM

Groan is 37 days old today. Groan showed stressed behavior when staff brought her back into the puppy pen following pen cleaning. She was whining, howling and pacing. It took about twenty minutes to calm her down. Groan was very stressed when we brought the pups into the auditorium during pen cleaning. When the pups […]


grizzer – Jun 13, 2004 12:00 AM

Grizz was very anxious and distressed most of the morning-was panting, whining, and howling while pacing the enclosure looking for a way out. Gave him ice cubes and water, which he lapped out of the bowl. It didn't calm him down too much. We then put water in plastic sled for him to play in. […]


maya – Jun 13, 2004 12:00 AM

Groan was chasing after Grizz when he ran away with the beaver tail. Both Grizz and Groan are improving in their running coordination.Groan was very anxious and made continued attempts to climb out of the bucket, bag, and sling, therefore could not get an accurate weight. Groan became anxious and started whining, howling, and panting. […]


nyssa – Jun 14, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Nubee is 33 days old. She is showing more dominance attempts over both Grizz and Groan. During outside pen visit she seemed intent on seeking her littermates to display her dominance. She actively greets Malik & Shadow at the shared fenceline, sometimes growling at them. With staff, she continues to seek comfort and human […]