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258 search results for: Howling


nyssa – Sep 27, 2004 12:00 AM

Nyssa is a very confident wolf. She appears to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants to do it. The one thing she seems to enjoy is the attention of Shadow. There are many photos since the introduction showing Shadow and Nyssa face to face, either greeting, howling or just sharing a moment. Nyssa is […]


grizzer – Jul 13, 2006 12:00 AM

The following logs were written by Wolf Watch participants Kelly Miller and Jessica Sollie, who spent the night at the Center observing the Exhibit Pack's behavior. Enclosure enrichments were given to the wolves to stimulate their sensory ability. This week's enrichment with frozen fish. Grizzer looked for the fish for just a short while. He […]


grizzer – Feb 10, 2012 12:00 AM

Grizzer has really gotten a lot of attention and has been very stimulated to invite chase, even though the pack mates are all on the other side of the fence. There's been many episodes of chasing behavior on camera, but we continue to film in order to capture the excitement we experience when we work […]


grizzer – Feb 3, 2012 12:00 AM

Of all the wolves here, Grizzer had the most stimulus howling with the sled dogs (not sure how the sled dogs felt). Grizzer initiated several howls, had some directional whining and did more racing around the enclosure than he usually does. He was excited, jumping on the den, off the den, over the wolf care […]


shadow – Feb 3, 2012 12:00 AM

Of all the wolves on site, Shadow was the most territorial to the howling from the sled dogs. This was easy to predict, as Shadow is still the pack leader no matter where he resides. The behaviors he displayed initially showed some panting, which is usually associated with an increased body temperature and can be […]


maya – Jul 18, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Maya is 74 days old. Maya has been showing numerous attempts at caching food. She taked hunks of meat from her bowl and buries it in various places about the pup pen. We then observe her digging it up a few hours later and consuming it. This morning Maya greeted staff very well. She […]


grizzer – Jul 28, 2004 12:00 AM

This morning Grizzer greeted staff and began howling with Shadow and the retired pack. Grizzer dominated Maya pinning her down chest to chest while jaw sparring,during 5PM auditorium program. Grizzer very submissive, but relaxed towards two male dogs of staff members. This process continues to be an important part of the preparation for the introduction […]


grizzer – Jun 21, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Grizz is 47 days old. When in the indoor pup pen, he sometimes becomes anxious to go outside and walks the perimeter of the pup pen looking for a way out. Staff have been distracting him with water, ice cubes, and other stimulus items which seem to be successful in redirecting his attention. During […]


maya – Aug 5, 2004 12:00 AM

Today Maya is 92 days old. She is constantely watching outside her enclosure. It seems that she knows that soon she and her packmates are going in with Malik and Shadow. Whe watches them play, run and she joins them in the howling every night. She is defending her food more from Nyssa. In the […]


maya – Jun 18, 2004 12:00 AM

Maya is 44 days old today. Maya did well during programs and played with ice and lapped ice water out of a bowl, and also chewed on pigs ears and deer feet. When the retired wolves were howling, Maya was very alert, ears up and looking at window facing retired pack. She did not howl […]